Tip Sheet: Arab-American Older Adults: A Guide to Managing Your Health

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If you are an Arab-American over the age of 65 years, this pamphlet is for you and your family. Please read it carefully so that your healthcare providers can give you the best care possible and help you stay healthy. Arab-Americans are residents of the United States (US) who trace their heritage or identity back to one of 23 Arab countries.

Special Healthcare Concerns of Older Arab-Americans

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team

Your healthcare team can include physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, nursing assistants, social workers, pharmacists, and others. Each team member can help you in a different way.

Remember, the right healthcare team for you will want to know about your culture and what is important to you! Your discussions are confidential. You will receive the best care by being open and honest about your cultural beliefs as they may have a major impact on your health.


We hope this information has been helpful to you. Be sure to let your healthcare providers know if you or your family members have any questions.


Last Updated September 2018

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